The Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region (RRA LUR) has selected AXIS to participate in the ReMOBIL project (REgional centers of MOBILity), which aims to reduce long-term negative environmental impacts of transportation through the digital listing of cycling and pedestrian areas.
More sustainable mobility with the ReMOBIL project
The main goal of the ReMOBIL project is the long-term reduction of the negative environmental effects of traffic, which resulted from the non-use of sustainable forms of mobility at local, regional and national level. The project involves the transfer of foreign practices, a comprehensive model and guidelines of regional mobility management, and recommendations for aligning the national legislation. The ReMobil model is to be tested in six regional mobility centers and will be followed by public awareness campaigns during the European Mobility Week (EMW) in September 2024.
AXIS and data digitalization in XPERTrdb
AXIS has been supporting and driving the digitization of construction processes and road infrastructure management in Slovenia and the region for over 20 years. AXIS’s construction and public road infrastructure management have become the standard. The XPERTrdb (XPERT Road Data Bank) information system (IS) is widely used across Slovenia by the Slovenian Motorway Company (DARS) with its 700 km of motorways and over 15,000 km of municipal roads in more than 90 Slovenian municipalities. Digital transformation with the XPERTrdb IS has been introduced in the Republic of North Macedonia covering more than 500 km of public state roads. Organized digital data in the XPERTrdb IS ensures efficient management of road infrastructure, thus providing end users with safer and better service level. XPERTrdb is aligned with the requirements of the central RDB database, managed by the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency.
This is why AXIS was a logical choice for the cooperation in the initial phase of the ReMOBIL project. AXIS has implementing one of the sub-projects: “Establishment of an Information Environment for Managing Attribute Data on State and Municipal Cycling Public Infrastructure with Data Visualization in a Graphic Environment (GIS)”. AXIS has introduced the Information Environment for the pilot-selected municipality of Škofljica. In the future it will support the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region (RRA LUR), which connects 25 central Slovenian municipalities together with the City Municipality of Ljubljana and help expand the model to all remaining municipalities.
What is XPERTrdb?
XPERTrdb is a comprehensive web-based and cloud information solution with a modular structure – Road data bank, traffic signalization, public lighting, etc. It contains an integrated Road Reference System of public roads for spatial connection of entities, i.e., individual technical and other elements of road infrastructure to the digital axis model. It is an open system with a dynamic structure for adding new content that is subject to road management. The relational database has high analytical capabilities over the data and simple, transparent functions. The overarching upgrade being the integrated graphical viewer (GIS) for visualizing road infrastructure data, enabling users to review, and interpret extensive spatial data.
Status of the ReMOBIL project
The ReMOBIL project began in November 2023. By the end of 2023 AXIS introduced the XPERTrdb IS by adding basic graphic backgrounds, i.e., spatial data and digital road axes and harmonized the data structure and codes with the needs of the RRA LUR and the national RDB database operated by Slovenian Infrastructure Agency. Thus, establishing data on municipal cycling and pedestrian areas in the selected pilot municipality of Škofljica. The first phase of the project concludes at the end of April 2024.
Benefits and opportunities for municipalities
The ReMOBIL project represents an exceptional stimulus and an opportunity for all municipalities that lack organized records of cycling and pedestrian areas to establish records within the legal obligations of RDB (Road Data Bank) reporting and provide those to the central Slovenian Infrastructure Agency database.
The current situation in Slovenia is somewhat paradoxical. Many municipalities have deficient, poorly organized or uncoordinated data on cycling and pedestrian areas, while accelerated construction of cycling infrastructure is taking place throughout Slovenia at the national, municipal, and local levels.
The ReMOBIL project including AXIS support with XPERTrdb IS will facilitate rapid and smooth data transformation into digital form, assist in harmonization with the field data and simultaneously fulfil the obligation of RDB data reporting to the central RDB database at the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency. In line with the goals of the ReMOBIL project the municipalities that provide basic information on existing cycling and pedestrian areas will undoubtedly have an advantage in obtaining funding and co-funding for future cycling and pedestrian infrastructure projects. Participation in the ReMOBIL project will bring benefits and advantages to municipalities and ensure more sustainable mobility, safer cycling, and safer walking for all citizens.