2023 was an exciting, challenging, yet successful year. AXIS experts have been mainstreaming digital transformation and Construction 4.0 in Slovenia and the wider region for over 20 years. The employees and associates, together with chosen guests, embarked on a construction field adventure to investigate real-time construction sites.

A dedicated and highly qualified engineering team with extensive knowledge in project management, construction operations and public infrastructure management actively participates in all stages of construction investment projects ensuring high quality and necessary transparency of construction investments. Due to the diversity, number and scale of projects, experts from related and complementary disciplines are often invited to participate. A multidisciplinary approach is a necessity in the complex construction industry.  

A Journey from Digital to the Real World of Construction

At the invitation of Bojan Strah, Managing Director and Partner, and Ivan Rus, Technical Director and Partner, AXIS employees, colleagues and guests went on a tour of some of the most interesting and challenging construction projects carried out in 2023. The invitation was also extended to Mojca Furlan, an attorney at law, who is an expert in construction law, a regular participant at professional construction conferences, and an author of numerous articles in professional legal and construction journals. The tour was joined by Darja Šemrov, PhD, a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, where she lectures on Railway Design and Construction. She is an expert in the field of design, construction and management of railway infrastructure. The diverse group set off in the early hours of the morning.  

1st Stop – Fran Albrecht Primary School in Kamnik

The morning was still cloudy and foggy when they visited the construction site of Fran Albrecht Primary School in Kamnik. AXIS is cooperating with the Municipality of Kamnik providing project supervision in this large and complex construction project using the XPERT IT environment to monitor the construction investment in detail from the start. The construction is currently in its final phase and the works are implemented at an extremely intensive pace. The works include craft, electrical, mechanical, kitchen technology, parking and pedestrian areas, the school playground and the atrium. AXIS team is proud to have been fully involved in all segments of the construction process, from the initial preparation phase to the forthcoming building handover for use and operation. A project of this size and various stakeholders comprises challenges that must be tackled with great patience, professionalism and a collaborative culture. They rate the cooperation as more than excellent and consider it as an example of good practice when it comes to public investments.  The school’s exterior already shows its final shape, while the interior spaces simply overwhelm you with their size, spaciousness and immense amount of light. The new Primary School will soon open its doors to pupils and teachers.  

Source: AXIS archive

2nd Stop – DARS Office Building at Grič

The cloudy and cold weather persisted when they arrived at the second stop; a tour of the new DARS office building construction site. Bojan Strah and Ivan Rus are proud of the project, which is expected to be completed at the end of the year. They commend the smooth cooperation of all stakeholders in the introduction of a Common Data Environment (CDE) and a new approach to managing the investment through a project portal with pre-defined rules in the earliest phase of the tender documentation preparation. Ivan Rus is convinced DARS Office Building project is a textbook example of good construction practice and its implementation with a high degree of digitisation and efficient e-business in all phases of the project.   

The new DARS office building at Grič, together with underground garages, will comprise over 14,000 square metres of gross floor area. The building will have two underground floors dedicated to parking spaces, while the ground floor and four floors will be dedicated to office space. The architecture of the building follows the evolution of work processes and their organisation, ensuring a high-quality, enjoyable and healthy working environment.   

 Source: AXIS archive

3rd Stop – Second Track of the Divača – Koper Railway Line

The sun was shining as the team arrived at the last location, the construction site of the Divača – Koper railway line, which is one of the largest construction projects in Slovenia. It is currently at the height of construction. In December 2023, 2 key milestones were completed. The Gabrovica Viaduct under the Črni Kal motorway viaduct, and the Vinjan viaduct, the longest of the three viaducts in the Divača-Koper project and the first railway viaduct in Slovenia to be constructed using the free-span   construction technology.  

The representatives of 2TDK, Mateja Erčulj, MSc. and Ljubo Žnidar presented the complexity of the project, conditioned by the rugged terrain, with a tour of the Glinščica valley, the Gabrovica viaduct, and the Vinjan viaduct, which they climbed with a lift. The tour was much more than just a presentation of the challenges and the implementation of the current activities on the project. Representatives of 2TDK and AXIS team are construction experts with a wide range of expertise and experience in large construction projects, therefore they addressed challenging technical questions, exchanged opinions, compliments and criticism in the discussion. 

Source: AXIS archive

Construction Is Digitally and Operationally an Outstanding Industry

Mojca Furlan was impressed, as she rarely gets the opportunity to see construction law being implemented on a construction site and added: “I was more than impressed by this exceptional excursion. Expert guidance gave me a completely different perspective of what the art of construction is, especially on such magnificent structures. I believe that site visits are more than necessary for lawyers who deal with construction law. This is the only way for us legal construction experts to understand, at least to some extent, what happens during construction. Simply looking at the documents is by no means sufficient to make a proper assessment of the factual situation. I would like to thank the organizers for a truly wonderful experience, and all the answers to my sometimes slightly unprofessional questions.”   

Sources in Slovenian language: www.os-fa.si, www.kamnik.si, www.abiro.net, 2TDK; www.drugitir.si, rtvslo.si arhiv AXIS

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