Accurately manage and control all phases of the construction project
- Teamwork
- Investment processes
- Management protocols
- Online project portals
- General analyses (EVM)
- Detailed analyses
- Contract execution monitoring
- Scheduling
- Resource planning
- Financial plans
- Change tracking
- Claims, annexes
Construction Enterprise Resource Planning
Industry 4.0
Lead the way to Construction Industry 4.0
Good preparation is essential. Use our implementation protocols and project management templates.
Project Manager
- Management and communication protocols
- Contract templates
- Standard forms, minutes ...
Organize a broad project team and ensure seamless information flow. Synchronized teamwork guarantees optimum decisions.
Project Manager / Designer
- Management and communication protocols
- Documentation
- Web project portal
- Feasibility study
Coordinated design activities are key to success. Use modern infomation environment to prepare projects in a timely manner, harmonize BoQ items in line with the rules of the profession.
Project Manager / Designer
- Management protocols
- Communication protocols
- Documentation
- Tasks
- Minutes
- Risk management
Strive for excellence in preparation of investment, tender, negotiation and other procedures. Using modern information tools will help you save time and reduce costs in the process preparation.
Cost Manager / Investor / Contract Manager
- Management protocols
- Communication protocols
- Documentation
- Contracts
- Forms
- Key performance indicators
- Supplies
Cost Manager / Contractor / Contract Manager
- Documentation
- Scheduling
- Financial plans
- Resource plans
- Resource supplies
- Credentials
Engaged and harmonized project team using modern management and communication protocols is able to successfuly deliver key project products.
- Management and communication protocols
- Documentation
- Contracts
- Forms
- Key performance indicators
- Supplies
- Change management
- Upravljanje sprememb
- Risk management
- Complaints
- Insurance
- Scheduling
- Financial plans
- Resource plans
- Supplies
- Work packaging
- Post-analysis
- Project control
- Sub-contracting
- Terminski plani Scheduling
- Financial plans
- Resource plans
- Supplies
- Resource plans
- Supplies
- Project control
- Transparency
- Systematic monitoring
- Standardized reporting
Leading construction management software and service provider in Slovenia and the region.
Multi-user environment with controlled key project management processes.
XPERT - vertical solution for construction industry
- Multi-user system with controlled data access
- Work packaging
- Effective tender procedures without calculation errors
- Anonymity in tender procedures
- Co-contractors and sub-contractors monitoring
- Project control with integrated EVM
- Export and import of .xls and .xml formats
- Tool for creating your own reports in .xls format
- Business systems integration to ERP
- Integration to MS Project Server
- Integration to Office 365
- Powerful and flexible dashboard
- Data source for business analytics (BI)
Take active control of your construction project management.